Blog post

Industrial IoT guide: which sensors do manufacturers prefer?

The manufacturing industry is constantly evolving, and the adoption of new technologies is essential for staying competi...

Blog post

Admission processes and challenges during application and admittance

Higher education admissions processes are as varied as the almost 20,000 higher education institution...

Blog post

How Viva Engage can actively shape your organization’s future

As organizations have adapted to the changing landscape, a fundamental question has arisen: just how effective are emplo...

Blog post

Pillars of a strategic workforce strategy for healthcare organizations

Contract labor costs for hospitals have increased dramatically - more than 258% - from 2019 to 2022, negatively affectin...

Blog post

Analyzing production data using a SCADA system and Azure IoT

Operations managers are challenged with effectively managing manufacturing processes and machine efficiencies in real ti...

Blog post

Strategies for workforce planning in healthcare

Labor Planning for Healthcare has always been a major pain point for most organizations. Add the complexities of staffin...

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Blog post

How top insurers transform their business with Microsoft technology

Within recent years, insurance companies have experienced technological change that has transformed the industry. New, i...

Blog post

Microsoft Edge — What’s hAPPening?

Ready for modern apps—and your legacy ones tooMicrosoft Edge Apps can support your security goals, particularly with so ...

Blog post

Implementing rolling forecasts in healthcare: a strategic approach

As healthcare moves to a consumer-focused market and patients become increasingly aware of costs related to services, he...

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Blog post

The new and improved debt scheduler in strategic modeling

One of the best and most underutilized features in Oracle’s Strategic Modeling product is the Debt Scheduler....

Blog post

Leveraging warehousing telemetry for enhanced supply chain management

The world of supply chain management is continuously evolving, with technological advancements playing a pivotal role in...

Blog post

Considerations for a costing solution for healthcare providers

Providing healthcare services to a broad segment of the public has been a topic of debate for decades....

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