Blog post

What every CFO needs to know about evaluating a new ERP

As a CFO, you have a critical role in evaluating and selecting a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system for your ...

Blog post

Benefits of specialized software for the poultry and meat industry

Poultry and meat processing can be a complex and highly regulated industry, with many different variables to consider....

Client Stories

National nonprofit successfully migrates to Microsoft 365 with scalable end-user training and support

Alithya’s client is a national nonprofit headquartered in Washington, D.C. that works to help support their community an...

Blog post

Better Insurance Agency and Broker Management at Your Fingertips

Within the insurance industry, a hot topic of discussion is centered around automation. To be able to improve production...

Blog post

What are Business Outcomes?

Business outcomes are the results of the actions and decisions made by a business. The business outcomes can include a v...

Blog post

What Microsoft Customers Should Know about Microsoft Syntex

Business runs on content. Every day 1.6 billion documents are added to Microsoft 365. By 2025, there will be 163 billion...

Blog post

Transform Your Healthcare Organization with Alithya 365 Power Apps

Within the healthcare industry, a hot topic of discussion is centered around patient engagement. To improve this perform...

Blog post

Portals and Your Supply Chain: What Customers and Vendors Want

Back in the day (not that long ago) having a website made you a trendsetter in any industry. Today, everyone has a websi...

Blog post

Benefits of a Microsoft solution built for the pharma industry

Let's start with basic history: Microsoft moved into the ERP space by acquiring what are now known as legacy systems suc...

Blog post

Is Your System Agile Enough to Handle Material Substitution?

In process manufacturing, manufacturers must be able to substitute material due to low material inventory, supply chain ...

Blog post

Keep employees aligned & engaged with Microsoft’s new Viva Goals

Aiming at your target, setting goals and executing on projects are crucial in any business. Measuring key results is ess...

Blog post

It is Time to Upgrade Your Physician Relationship Management Solution

What is Physician Relationship Management?Physician Relationship Management is a customer relationship management (CRM) ...
