Alithya program management services ensure that a portfolio of projects is defined, managed, controlled, and executed successfully.

Program management is the key to a successful digital transformation. At Alithya, program management is weaved into every project to ensure client success. It is a part of a portfolio of strategic advisory and consulting services at the beginning of a digital transformation project, it is a capability which is embedded across all enterprise transformation services, and it is also a standalone service offering where we serve as program managers when multiple systems integrators are involved. Our program managers align project objectives with larger business goals and report on metrics with routine status updates throughout each project’s lifecycle.

Program management vs project management

Understanding the difference between project and program management is key for organizations aiming to achieve efficiency and strategic success. Where project management is tactical, dealing with specific tasks, execution, and defined outcomes, program management entails a more strategic role. This role focuses on the long view, managing interdependencies and the overall direction of a suite of projects to ensure cohesion with organizational goals. 

Diagram showing the relationship between program management and project management

Program management engagements

Regardless of where you are at in your transformation journey, we can step in to ensure that your expected business outcomes are achieved – whether we are implementing or developing the software, or overseeing it. 

We can help you get started

If you are seeking digital solutions to your business challenges but are unsure where to start, we offer strategic advisory services to identify the best path forward. We then map out your project(s) to ensure optimal integration, cohesion, and business value.

Your trusted advisor

Because our clients trust our judgement and value our transparency, they often engage our program management services if they elect to work with another implementation provider outside our ecosystem of technology partners. In this scenario, we will help ensure your goals are met and your implementor is effective.

Solutions tailored to your needs

When we develop a tailored solution for you or implement an enterprise system such as ERP, EPM, CRM, HCM, or SCM our program management services are embedded into our digital transformation framework. We always keep the big picture in mind with a focus on business outcomes.

We can help you get started

If you are seeking digital solutions to your business challenges but are unsure where to start, we offer strategic advisory services to identify the best path forward. We then map out your project(s) to ensure optimal integration, cohesion, and business value.

Your trusted advisor

Because our clients trust our judgement and value our transparency, they often engage our program management services if they elect to work with another implementation provider outside our ecosystem of technology partners. In this scenario, we will help ensure your goals are met and your implementor is effective.

Solutions tailored to your needs

When we develop a tailored solution for you or implement an enterprise system such as ERP, EPM, CRM, HCM, or SCM our program management services are embedded into our digital transformation framework. We always keep the big picture in mind with a focus on business outcomes.

Project management services

Project management services are instrumental in ensuring the successful execution of individual projects within a larger program. At Alithya, we recognize the importance of meticulous project management to achieve desired outcomes effectively and efficiently. Our project management services encompass a comprehensive range of activities tailored to meet the unique needs of each project.

You're in good hands

trusted advisors

From project initiation to closure, our seasoned project managers leverage industry best practices and methodologies to oversee every aspect of project execution. They meticulously plan, execute, and monitor project activities, ensuring adherence to timelines, budgets, and quality standards. Our project managers serve as the primary point of contact for stakeholders, facilitating clear communication and collaboration throughout the project lifecycle.


Moreover, our project management services extend beyond traditional project management duties. We employ innovative tools and techniques to mitigate risks, resolve issues promptly, and optimize resource utilization. Whether it's managing scope changes, coordinating with cross-functional teams, or implementing change management strategies, our project managers possess the expertise to navigate complexities and drive project success.


At Alithya, we understand that effective project management is essential for delivering value to our clients. Therefore, our project management services are designed to streamline processes, enhance productivity, and ultimately, deliver tangible results. By entrusting your projects to our experienced project managers, you can rest assured that your objectives will be achieved with precision and excellence. 

Waterfall, agile and hybrid program management methodologies

Whatever your goals, we evaluate your needs to determine the program management methodology that best supports your project and culture. 


For years, traditional program management methods such as waterfall have offered a structured approach to project management and software development. For legacy on prem business application delivery where customizations may be prevalent, waterfall methodology still makes sense as we work with project managers and project control officers. 



The agile project management approach was introduced to revolutionize software development, and when managing a fully customized solution, the agile methodology works well. In an agile practice, a project is broken up into sub-projects. These are typically referred to as sprints. At the end of each sprint, stakeholders and the team review their work, adjust for the next sprint, and repeat until complete. Agile program management framework delivers incremental value throughout the project, instead of all at once at the end. Our program managers work with your scrum masters and agile coaches to increase efficiency in a project.  



Sometimes it makes sense to follow a hybrid approach which combines waterfall and agile, where project management and software development teams are joined together to maximize all skill sets. Hybrid methodologies accept the fluidity of projects and allow for a more nimble and nuanced approach to project planning and work management. 

Agile waterfall co

Alithya's enterprise application implementation methodology

Alithya has established its own implementation methodology based on a hybrid methodology in the deployment of modern cloud business applications such as ERP, CRM and EPM that provide formalized phases for Envision, Build, Test & Rollout, while adopting a sprint-based approach in the build phase providing immediate feedback to business partners to facilitate change management, highlight progress and help to minimize both defects and the risk of missed requirements later on in the implementation.

Strategic goals and program management

strategic goals

In the realm of program management, the strategic goals of an organization aren't just signposts; they are the compass that guide the journey of program initiatives. With a well-structured program, companies don't just envision success; they plot a quantifiable and trackable roadmap to achieve it. By setting metrics that are measurable and attainable, program management anchors itself in the reality of what's achievable, circumventing the risks associated with over-ambition. These goals are the constants amidst the dynamic flow of program deliverables—and, as such, they create a stabilizing force in the midst of evolving project specifications and delivery modalities.


Operating beneath the strategic canopy, program management harmonizes the collective suite of projects, whether they stand alone or connect like the pieces of a complex puzzle. It's the insightful use of project management software that propels these goals to align with company-wide strategic objectives, bolstering both effectiveness and efficiency. Through this synergy, programs unfold within a framework designed to measure, reflect, and adjust course as necessary but always with the strategic destination in sight. 

Are your growth targets dreams or goals?

Without a solid strategic vision, with actionable steps to pair technology and business outcomes, your digital investments are not likely to yield desired results. But we’re here to help! Our experts will collaborate with you to craft an effective digital strategy and avoid the nightmare of wasted IT spend.