Unlock a world of insight with our data and analytics consulting services

Once you begin making informed, data-driven decisions, you’ll likely find it’s easier to solve business challenges more confidently, whether you’re deciding to launch or discontinue a product, adjust your marketing message, branch into a new market, or something else entirely. But because organizations now collect vast amounts of data daily, it has become a firehose of data, making it increasingly difficult to discern what data is needed for decision-making and what isn’t. For actionable results, there’s an even greater need to ensure you are using good data and not bad.


Data is highly dependent on your point of view, as well as the depth of your analysis, and in many cases, an initial impression is not necessarily the right one. That’s where we come in: At Alithya, our data & analytics services help you better leverage your data to improve decision-making and drive performance.  


We understand that managing, analyzing, and interpreting data is no small feat. Every stage of data management - definition, collection, storage, analysis, interpretation, and governance - requires precise rules, rigorous processes, and specialized tools, all with defined responsibilities and scope.  


Unlock actionable insight into your data with our proven data analysis transformation and discovery services that align with your business goals.  

Get help with all your data-related needs

Data strategy

Build the right foundation for your data initiatives. We analyze your current data architecture, help you define future needs, and build a roadmap to meet your business objectives.



Design the architecture that best fits your organizational needs. We partner with industry-leading providers to offer cloud services.



Implement and configure the right cloud-based infrastructure for your data. Our solutions include distribution selection, cluster setup, data lakes and security configuration.


Data acquisition & processing

Alithya’s solutions help you ingest, test, and validate large volumes of data through batch/stream processing and data load testing services.


Advanced analytics

Drive down costs, uncover new opportunities and identify key challenges with real-time analytics. We help you select and implement tools that can make data actionable at every level of your organization.


Machine learning and artificial intelligence (ML/AI)

Our experts can help you identify and develop use cases for ML/AI, select appropriate algorithms, and build models that can help automate processes and provide predictive insights.


Data governance

We help you set data policies that ensure data quality, security, and compliance. With a robust data governing framework, you can ensure your data is available to the right people, properly processed and maintained, and protected from unauthorized access. 


Visualizations and insights

We use powerful visualization tools, such as Power BI, to deliver dashboards and charts to keep stakeholders informed and operations running smoothly.


Cloud infrastructure - data’s ideal partner

The cloud's flexible scalable nature makes it easier to handle the large workloads of big data by providing easy, cost-effective data storage on demand. With a pay-as-you-go model, you can start small without the need for a large upfront investment and scale up as needed, only paying for the resources you use. 

ETL: our turnkey data delivery process


Collect data from disparate sources, such as ERP, CRM, SCM, HCM, flat files, SQL or No SQL databases, and more. 



Validate, standardize, and map the data to make it suitable for analysis and reporting.  



Your clean, organized data is uploaded into a data warehouse or target database for use. 


Industry-specific data management

Our experience working with hundreds of clients over a myriad of different industries gives us the unique ability to help clients unlock the power of data to drive better business outcomes. 

Finance management visibility

Big Data

Our financial analytics solutions help businesses make sense of their data to effectively plan, understand, and predict financial and operational performance. We help banking and financial services organizations personalize service offerings, improve security, and suggest new streams of revenue.

Population health


With our data discovery service, healthcare practices can proactively identify populations of interest to ensure they’re achieving proper quality of care standards. We start with an agile, unstructured search and multi-dimensional navigation through disparate data sources, which drives more informed decisions based on a filtered group of patients, providers, and practices. 


With our services, you can improve your organization's ability to identify and address population health issues, reduce costs, and ultimately enhance patient outcomes. 

Supply chain performance optimization


Data discovery offers manufacturers a unique opportunity to produce a 360-degree view of their supply chain and greater visibility into inventory, suppliers, costing and purchasing. Manufacturers and distributors can leverage our analysis tool to improve commodity management, rationalize suppliers and drive strategic purchasing initiatives across disparate systems. 


Our data-driven insights can help you make better decisions, improve performance, and reduce costs throughout your supply chain. 

Sales productivity & effectiveness


Target your most valuable, high-potential customers with a 360-degree profile using all available data sources with our B2B and B2C services. Retail companies that combine purchase history, demographic data and marketing results can better measure the success of their campaigns, identify areas for growth with existing customers, and uncover new opportunities. 

With our services, you can increase your sales productivity and effectiveness – and your bottom line. 

Insurance compliance


Insurance fraud costs the industry several billion dollars per year. Our fraud detection and prevention services uncover data patterns that help insurers proactively flag suspicious practices, dismantling fraudulent schemes before they ever take hold. Additionally, we offer reinsurance solutions to help insurers quickly and effectively identify the claims among millions that qualify, maximizing savings and reducing time spent on non-value-added work, and freeing up resources to focus on other critical needs. With our comprehensive suite of insurance compliance services, you can ensure that your organization stays ahead of the curve and protected from potential risks. 

Customer insights analytics


Our customer insights data services help businesses understand what drives behavior so they can better understand how to create, market, and sell products that attract customers. Our expert team helps you process diverse datasets to uncover actionable insights, including market trends, conditions, product mix, customer demographics, customer experiences, customer history and product experiences. With this information, you can better understand what drives customer behavior and create more effective marketing and sales strategies, allowing you to stay ahead of the competition.

Prepare your data for AI

Our experts can work on a roadmap to prepare your data for upcoming AI projects. Analyzing and classifying data before sharing with AI tools allows you to ignore stale or irrelevant data that could confuse models or impact business outcomes and identify sensitive data to ensure it’s handled appropriately and securely.