Blog post

Analyzing production data using a SCADA system and Azure IoT

Operations managers are challenged with effectively managing manufacturing processes and machine efficiencies in real ti...

Blog post

How top insurers transform their business with Microsoft technology

Within recent years, insurance companies have experienced technological change that has transformed the industry. New, i...

Blog post

Microsoft Edge — What’s hAPPening?

Ready for modern apps—and your legacy ones tooMicrosoft Edge Apps can support your security goals, particularly with so ...

Blog post

Leveraging warehousing telemetry for enhanced supply chain management

The world of supply chain management is continuously evolving, with technological advancements playing a pivotal role in...

Blog post

Actualizing AI & automation magic that is Microsoft Sales Copilot

Sales, the lifeblood of any business, has undergone significant transformations in recent years. The traditional approac...

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Blog post

Factors to Consider When Evaluating a New ERP System

There are several factors to consider when evaluating Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems....

Blog post

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Microsoft Partner for Manufacturing

When it comes to choosing a Microsoft Partner for manufacturing, there are several factors to consider. Selecting the ri...

Blog post

4 Reasons You Need Change Management for your Microsoft D365 Project

Implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is like going on an adventurous journey....

Blog post

How Microsoft Fabric and OneLake are Redefining Data & Analytics

If you haven't already heard, Microsoft made an exciting announcement at the 2023 Build event, introducing their new uni...

Blog post

Building a Modern Patient Experience

Digital Transformation has been on the forefront of decision making for numerous organizations for quite some time, even...

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What Your C-Suite Needs to Know When Shopping for a New CRM

C-suite executives are likely well-aware of the benefits of using a Customer Relationship Management (CRM)....

Blog post

How Microsoft Technology Can Help Food Companies Plan for Demand Shifts

The food industry is constantly changing, and companies need to adapt quickly to shifting consumer demands. This can be ...
