, November 9, 2022
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Let's start with basic history: Microsoft moved into the ERP space by acquiring what are now known as legacy systems such as Great Plains, Axapta, and Navision. You may be using Dynamics ERP products right now. If you are using GP, it is most likely because you needed a high-end Accounting and Finance solution. AX was always primarily used in the manufacturing space and NAV was geared around small to medium-sized businesses.

So, what has changed? Dynamics AX became ‘Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations’, Dynamics CRM became ‘Dynamics 365 for Sales’, and Dynamics NAV was equipped to become ‘Dynamics 365 Business Central’.

Is my legacy product going away? No, it will be part of the Modern Lifecycle Policy, supported and updated through 2028! However, this should not stop you from transitioning to Microsoft’s cloud-based platform. Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a familiar system even to unaccustomed users, allowing for a smooth transition while keeping your existing critical quality attributes. For example, your team has already developed processes for mitigated risks, cybersecurity, and other factors and moving into a new space needs to be stress-free. On a personal level, we all want a trusted advisor, this is where Alithya’s veterans play their part, our pride comes from our ability to break down priorities and help you strategize a game plan for business outcomes you value the most.

Benefits of a Microsoft Solution:


Microsoft holds on to their traditional look and feel. There is a reason why we still use Qwerty keyboards, with the evolution of 1860s typists, we like familiarity! If you’ve used Office 365 or other Microsoft products, you will feel comfortable navigating as a new user. Moreover, out-of-the-box products and features can be leveraged for your Pharma organizations. Speaking of efficiency, we have created Alithya 365 PharmaXpress, an out-of-the-box template solution that covers all regulatory and manufacturing capabilities that fall under ‘best practice’.


D365 allows you to mix with other connectors, products, or modules you might be familiar with. Spreadsheet expert? D365 is your dream ERP, allowing you to import and export to Excel. We all know someone who lives in spreadsheets, and this allows them to continue working with what they know and trust.


Dynamics 365 for Customer Experience is extraordinarily strong. Microsoft now owns LinkedIn, so your sales team can freely link their CRM contacts and leads to conversations they are having on the platform and save valuable notes. Customer insights and Power Apps further automate some of these interactions and allow logic apps to play a role (using data within CRM and LinkedIn) when communicating with potential buyers/customers. If you are looking for auto responses or a service that can hunt and find patterns in your CRM analytics, Dynamics has you covered.

Business Analytics and Reporting

Power BI is immensely powerful, especially if you are a multi-location or multinational organization. We live in a world where business systems are increasing in complexity and workflows are more demanding from a compliance perspective.


Using a .NET platform allows for robust configuration and integration with other 3rd party systems, D365 is a configurable application.

Ready to hear more? Let’s get started on your business initiatives and projects your team has lined up.